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[2024/07/25更新] 教会見学不可日時のお知らせ

2024.07.04 〔 木 〕



2024年07月28日(日)10:30 ~ 11:30巡礼団ミサ
2024年08月02日(金)14:30 ~ 15:30巡礼団ミサ
2024年08月03日(土)11:00 ~ 12:00巡礼団ミサ

※お問い合わせの際は「おぢかアイランドツーリズム(0959-56-2646)」までお願いします【重要】旧野首教会保存修理工事中です。ご注意ください。(2025年11月8日まで) [おぢかアイランドツーリズムHP]

2024年07月30日(火)11:00 ~ 12:00巡礼団ミサ
2024年08月01日(木)16:00 ~ 17:00巡礼団ミサ
2024年08月04日(土)11:00 ~ 12:00巡礼団ミサ
2024年08月12日(月)10:30 ~ 11:30巡礼団ミサ
2024年08月03日(土)09:00 ~ 10:00ミサ

[2024-07-25 Update] Notice of dates and times when church visits will not be accepted.

Visitors (including entry to the premises) are not permitted during Masses and other church events.
Please check the individual church pages for information on regular Masses and churchstaffs’ absence days for churches that require prior notice.
*In the event of exceptional church events, those registered in the prior contact register will be notified by the Centre.

Notice of dates and times when church visits will not be accepted.

Shitsu Church
2024-07-2810:30-11:30Pilgrimage mass
2024-08-0214:30-15:30Pilgrimage mass
2024-08-0311:00-12:00Pilgrimage mass
Former Nokubi Church
2023-11-01 to 2025-11-08Major repair works
*The former Nokubi church is currently undergoing major repair works that are scheduled to be completed in June 2025. During the renovations, the church building is covered by scaffolding, and is off-limit to visitors. hank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Major repair works of the former Nokubi church [Ojika Island Tourism]

Tabira Church
2024-07-3011:00-12:00Pilgrimage mass
2024-08-0116:00-17:00Pilgrimage mass
2024-08-0111:00-12:00Pilgrimage mass
2024-08-1210:30-11:30Pilgrimage mass
Kashiragashima Church

[2024-07-25 경신] 교회 견학 불가 날짜 및 시간 안내

미사 등 성당 행사 중에는 견학(성당 내 출입 포함)을 삼가해 주시기 바랍니다.
사전 연락이 필요한 성당의 정기 미사 및 성당 휴무일에 대해서는 각 성당 페이지를 확인하시기 바랍니다.
예외적인 교회 행사가 들어올 경우, 사전 연락 등록자분들께 연락을 드립니다.

교회 견학 불가

시쓰 성당
2024-07-2810:30-11:30순례단 미사
2024-08-0214:30-15:30순례단 미사
2024-08-0311:00-12:00순례단 미사
구 노쿠비 성당
2023-11-01 ~
복원 공사(견학 불가)
타비라 천주당
2024-07-3011:00-12:00순례단 미사
2024-08-0116:00-17:00순례단 미사
2024-08-0411:00-12:00순례단 미사
2024-08-1210:30-11:30순례단 미사
가시라가시마 천주당
